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Important: You may prefer my my resumé Website, my Gitlab account or my Github account for quick and up-to-date information.

N.B.: The current Website contains detailed information but nothing about my new experiences, abilities or projects since 2014.

This is a brief history of the greatest evolution of those personal pages:

6.10  (05th September 2021)
6.00  (01st January 2020)
5.00  (25th March 2013)
4.50  (23rd September 2007)
4.20  (03rd September 2007)
4.10  (01st August 2007)
4.00  (17th May 2007)
3.10  (09th April 2007)
3.00  (09th May 2006)
2.61  (29th January 2006)
2.60  (15th September 2005)
2.50  (20th January 2005)
2.00  (30th September 2004)
1.50  (29th January 2004)
1.00  (05th October 2003)
2003-2025 Bertrand BENOIT   |    Curriculum vitae.