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Work on the SCPLS library
Artificial Intelligence
Training period for research's works initiation, in holidays' period
June 2003   -   September 2003
C++, Java
Official Site

I performed this work during a training period, in the summer of 2003, with the MAIA team, supervised by Laurent Jeanpierre and Alexis Scheuer.

Subject: (It's recommended to read the Scientific context before.)

   The aim of the initial work consisted in producing a java version of the SCPLS library (Sub-optimal Continuous-curvature Planning Library Set) created by Alexis Scheuer whose original version was written in C++.
I then integrated this new version of the SCPLS library in the shape of a new module within the ToolBox application created by Laurent Jeanpierre.

   Prospectively, we can consider this implementation on the Simplet which is a robot created by Laurent Jeanpierre, Alain Dutech and Franck Gechter.

The SCPLS library is always under improvement (Contact Alexis Scheuer to have information).

Scientific context
   The java toolbox has been developed by the MAIA team, allowing a quick prototyping of intelligent agents. This application aims at sharing the work of each and every researchers to avoid a systematic programming of all usual algorithms. The subjacent library of algorithms is based on the research works of Laurent Jeanpierre, and is mainly focused on the Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP).

    Based on an architecture with objects communicating via data flows, the interface of visual's development makes possible the connection of modules from various origins and their integration in a more complexed application. These modules thus encapsulating the library's algorithms, allow easy configuration and connection to other modules within the application.

    In addition, Alexis Scheuer carried out in C++ a planning's library (SCPLS) which allows the calculation of an optimal path connecting two positions of the plan by respecting constraints of continuous curves. These paths make it possible for a vehicle to follow, with a great reliability, the plan calculated without requiring it to stop at each point of discontinuity.
2003-2024 Bertrand BENOIT   |    Curriculum vitae.