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HADES - Help for Advanced DESign
Application (database, client/server, plugins)
Professional project
April 2005   -   September 2005
Java, XML, SQL
Report  -  Support

I produced the first version of this application, named 'Help for Advanced DESign' (HADES), during my work as a software engineer for The French Space Agency, according to the project suggested and managed by Raymond Bec.

   The project consisted of a software platform designed towards 'futurologies and forecasted projects' for the future launchers' design, which main aims are as follow:
   - the data centralization of various origins (books, articles, diagrams, illustrations, numerical support, software, databases ...),
   - the knowledge capitalization (computation methods, exact or approached, methods of results interpretations ...),
   - the modeling and the simulation of innovating concepts thus ensuring their perenniality (possibly conceived from technologies not existing as yet and/or under particular environmental conditions such as the departure from a star rather than the Earth),
   - the ludic aspect of the launchers design, allowing its use while being a learning support,
   - a workable and adapted HCI designed for the end-users.

   In a simplified way, it is possible to consider the application as:
   - a core which manages the data, help messages, errors, HCI, application's configuration, data system persistence, results and models defined by users, communication with the help of external tools, and finally modules' management,
   - n modules, n varying in the course of time (according to the addition/update/removal of modules operated by the users).

   The software platform is directly related to the PERSEUS project.

For confidentiality reasons, only some documents can be made available.

For confidentiality reasons, the software is not available.

2003-2024 Bertrand BENOIT   |    Curriculum vitae.