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Renommeurs de Japanims
Application (DataBase, communication via Internet)
Realization of an application during my spare-time
April 2002   -   March 2003
Visual Basic, SQL

   In the year 2002, I sought a project of small to medium size consisting in developing an application aiming to be used by a considerable number of users and thus allowing me to develop my abilities. At that time the "japanims" phenomenon (to understand Japanese animations) began and in the thread of conversations, it seemed obvious that a problem existed about file/episode name format. Thus the episodes' exchanges between impassioned users became delicate, tiresome and sometimes even frustrating insofar as it took sometimes hours to obtain a episode and more often than not the desired one. (for lack of evocative name).
Although not being impassioned myself, I found it challenging taking up and realizing applications, interacting with a database centralizing the (recognized) lists of episodes of each series, allowing to rename tens, hundreds and potentially thousands of files in only few mouse's clics, with an uniform formatting, and tunable by the user. This one being intended to be used only by the series not yet licensed in France, or on original files bought in all legality.

   After the release of the first few application's versions, users requested the will to see new functionalities. Thus, in the thread of time, new functionalities, automations and configurations' parameters were added. Since the end of 2003, the application provides 36 options and 30 automatisms, has a database rich in information, has the ability to be updated via Internet while interacting with the server, and can be used by a great number of users.
Initially, I had made the choice to use Visual Basic, the basic function of the application being to reach a database according to some criteria and to format corresponding information for the user. However, following the interest of the application, its evolution and consequently its increasing quantity of information contained in the database, pushed the application to reach its limits (consideration ridge on the performances). This is why I produced the last version in March 2003, and launched the Anims renaming project which is its successor. Indeed, the ambitions were to realize an application in C++, cross-platform, multi-language, having at least the same functionalities and offering greater performances. Corresponding information are on the page dedicated to Anims renaming.

2003-2024 Bertrand BENOIT   |    Curriculum vitae.