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Histogram of my works
Important: You may prefer my my resumé Website, my Gitlab account or my Github account for quick and up-to-date information.

N.B.: The current Website contains detailed information but nothing about my new experiences, abilities or projects since 2014.

This is an histogram of all the works presented in these pages.
Each bar allows a fast access to information of the corresponding experience.

2010 2011 2012 2013
Hemera - Intelligent System
Computer science Experience Knowledge SHAring (CEKSHA)

2005 2006 2007
Forum RPG
Anims Renaming ++ Anims Renaming ++
Anims' Renaming ++'s Web site
Forgotten Wild War Forgotten Wild War
Parameters Tuning Unity Parameters Tuning Unity
HADES - Help for Advanced DESign
Computer science Experience Knowledge SHAring (CEKSHA)

2002 2003 2004
Renommeurs de Japanims
'Renommeur de Japanims' Web site 'Renommeur de Japanims' Web site
Forum RPG Forum RPG
Work on the SCPLS library
Anims Renaming ++
Anims' Renaming ++'s Web site Anims' Renaming ++'s Web site
Reactive MAS
Forgotten Wild War
Parameters Tuning Unity

2003-2024 Bertrand BENOIT   |    Curriculum vitae.